Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Back to site and work

The abcess saga has come to an end. I got back to site about a week ago and you'll be very happy to know that my armpit is doing very well. However, the adjustment to life with no lights, AC, or TV was a bit of a struggle. I don't know what it is about TV, but its very addicting and can cause withdrawal when you don't have it anymore.

Luckily though, the rainy season is on its way up here, so the weather is getting a little cooler sometimes. This is also a love/hate thing for me though, cause I hope for rain everyday and when it doesn't come, which is most of the time, I am disappointed again. But, since it is coming, I am starting a garden outside my house. My counterpart has been working very hard on building a fence around the area so that goats and sheep won't come in and destroy the garden and I just bought seeds in Tamale. I bought tomato, onion, carrot, and pepper seeds and also plan to grow a little bit of corn. I'm debating buying lettuce seeds too, but we'll see how much room I have in this garden. I am also not sure that I have a green thumb. Judging by how well I took care of my Ivy plant in college (it died in a week), I might not, but I did keep couple other plants alive for my last two years of college. So, this could be really awesome or a complete failure, but either way it'll be something to do while everyone is farming in the rainy season. If any of you have good gardening advice though, please do share.

Other than that, I've been continuing with my women's group and I'm trying to work on getting the boreholes in my community fixed (we are down to 1 of 6 working). I'm also working with some people to plan a girl's leadership camp for August, which we just wrote the proposal for. It sounds like it will be a lot of fun.

Thank you to everyone who has donated to my clinic so far! We have raised about $700 already and I'm told that people are still working on it at home and sending in checks. You guys are awesome, thanks!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Clinic Renovations

I just sent in my final copy of my proposal for money to fix my clinic on Friday, and guess what? Its already on the website so people can donate to it! If you haven't heard about this already, it means you are not on my email list and you're not my facebook friend. I just found out that the request was on the website yesterday and today I found out we already raised $600! Keep up the good work everyone. If you haven't donated yet, or want more information to decide if you want to donate, go to this website:

Overall, when the clinic opens it will become the closest clinic for people in 15 villages. That means you'd be helping about 11,000 people. As soon as I raise all the money, we'll start the repairs and hopefully get the clinic running this year. Also, by donating to this project, you know exactly where your money is going. All the money donated goes directly to my project and I will oversee all the work so that I can make sure all the money is spent wisely.

That's my exciting news for now. Other than that, I'm still in Accra waiting for my abcess to heal. Its almost healed now and I should be leaving on Tuesday morning. I'm enjoying the break, but I'm ready to get back, so I hope it continues to heal well and quickly.

Thanks in advance for all your donations!