Thursday, April 15, 2010

Women's Group

I finally started a women's group in my village. I have wanted to do this for a long time but never knew how to get started. So, I finally decided to just gather some women who are motivated and start a health group with them. I am still trying to figure out how this is going to go and how I can make it sustainable. So far, we have been talking about nutrition and water. I talked about the importance of drinking borehole water over dam water because of parasites and the feces and stuff that get in dam water. I also gave them some colored strips of paper to measure small children's arms to see if they are malnourished. Finally, I talked to them about food groups and the importance of eating energy, protective, and body building foods in every meal. I want to try to have them teach other women some of the things we talk about at baby weighings. They seem to be learning and enjoying the group, but they are discouraged with a lot of the things I tell them because they do not have the money to buy some of the foods that I say they need to eat. Money is a serious issue here, but it is one that I don't have the resources to solve also. We'll see how it goes.

I am also preparing to hand in my proposal for fixing my clinic. I have all the estimates done and am just trying to finish the final copy of the application. So, hopefully soon you will get some information from me asking for donations to fix up our clinic. Other than that, I'm trying to get some projects started, but seem to keep running into clitches. Oh well, it all works out.

Sorry such a short post, but not much has been going on.


  1. Don't get discouraged Julie - it sounds like you are doing a wonderful job and have lots of great plans running through your mind. I am sure some if not all of them will pan out.

    Hope everything else is going well - we miss you!

  2. I have been talking to people and have some ideas for fundraisers!
    Keep up the good work and you will be surprised how much of a difference you make.

  3. Hey Julie,

    I was reading a National Geographic and there was a piece about getting rid of parasites and other bad stuff from water. Just a water bottle with no label and fill with any water that is not too murky from a creek, standpipe, or puddle. Put the bottle on a piece of metal in full sun for 6+ hours and the UVA radiation will kill viruses, bacteria, and parasites in the water, making it safe to drink.

    Doesn't say anything about feces though. I'll drop the magazine in a package we send out to you. Some pretty good reading in this one as its all about water.

  4. cool, thanks Dan! I've heard about that, they call it SODIS, but I'm sure there's other useful information there.
