Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas

Christmas here was obviously much different that at home, but my friends and I still made it a nice Christmas. I didn't feel like the holiday was really coming, being in a Muslim village and all, but on Christmas Eve, a bunch of us came to Tamale to celebrate together. There were 10 of us and we did stockings stuffed with things from packages we received from home and a grab bag gift exchange of cheap gifts. One of the volunteers here, Hannah, is also a very good cook and made a delicious lasagna dinner for all of us. We all sat around the table and had a family style dinner together. We also listened to christmas music and even watched some christmas movies. Overall, it was a pretty good Christmas. I still missed everyone at home and hope you all had a good holiday too!

On another note, I haven't been receiving a lot of letters that people have been sending me, so I am going to revert to the original address I gave people for sending letters. So, send letters to:

Julie Bordua, PCV
Peace Corps Ghana
P.O. Box 5796
Accra-North, Ghana

You can still send packages to either address though.


  1. Merry Christmas to you Julie!!!
    It was great talking to you over the holiday. Everyone was very happy that you called and they were able to talk for a while. Quite a while in fact!! Can't wait to see you!!!!!!!

  2. Merry Christmas Julie! It was great to talk to you for a minute and I'm glad you guys got to have a nice christmas together. I can't wait to hear all about your mom's visit when she gets back!!! Enjoy the visitors!

  3. Merry Christmas Julie..
    We really enjoyed all your calls it was great talking to you. We miss you but we were glad to hear your voice it assures us you are well...

    Just a clouple more days and your mother will be their she is so excited...

    Now if it was me
    I Would Not Be So Excited...
    I need my bed, air conditioning, bathroom and Definitely NO Bugs,or Bats or Snakes....
    I play it very safe....
    But I know Sheryl and your mother don't mind sleeping on the ground and eating different food..Oh my!!!
    Don't give them to much funky food... not sure about their stomachs.

    Have a wonderful Visit...
    Miss you ,,,Love You
    Cindy & Ray
